To implement all the necessary features we used a combination of Liquid, Vue.js, and JavaScript on top of the base Shopify functionality. The improvements made could be split into UI enhancements and new admin capabilities.
Firstly, the UI. Bamboo Agile customised the website’s design to make the search function and filters more intuitive, as well as to make the store’s appearance more professional. The team also revamped the Collections tab and changed the placement of the model cards in the catalogue. Moreover, we added a new burger menu and an automatically updating shopping cart, which further streamlined the shopping experience.
Secondly, new admin capabilities. Several functions were added to aid administrators in managing the content on the website. A simpler example included turning the main menu background’s transparency on and off for easier layout handling. A more complicated feature was giving admins the ability to work with JS libraries for easier content management.
The developers of Bamboo Agile also added a brand new “Coming soon” section to the site’s main menu, which allowed clients to preview and preorder products that were coming to the store in the near future. Our team will continue to work with 12Storeez, delivering even more quality features for the platform.